ContextVision’s Deep Learning experts will hold an oral presentation at the Medical Imaging & Deep Learning conference in London July 8–10

This paper presents an interesting and novel idea of a deep learning (DL) framework to segment potentially cancerous areas in prostate biopsies using semi-automatically generated data. The application of this paper is quite innovative and the proposed method seems to be a direct assistance to the clinical routine.
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ContextVision signs agreement for research based on unique big data cohorts

ContextVision will have exclusive rights to the scanning cohort and access to anonymized associated clinical data - with cleared and structured histopathological descriptions, diagnosis and outcome data - for the defined patient cohorts and all commercial rights from output based on the data.The agreement gives ContextVision an opportunity to create AI-based decision support tools that will help doctors make more accurate treatment decisions. Today, many cancer patients suffer from life impairing side effects from treatments they did not need while other patients do not get treatment which is necessary.
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ContextVision to exhibit upcoming digital pathology product at ECP 2018 in Bilbao

September 6, 2018, – ContextVision is making their second appearance in the field of digital pathology at ECP 2018, the 30th European Congress of Pathology, September 8–12 in Bilbao, Spain. Here, they will be introducing and demonstrating their upcoming product INIFY™ Prostate, a new decision support tool based on artificial intelligence and deep learning.
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ContextVision deepens collaboration for development of digital lung pathology tool

ContextVision and its academic partners at Uppsala University and Uppsala Hospital have been awarded a grant from Sweden's innovation agency, Vinnova, for a continuation of a research program within digital pathology research. The company has already achieved very encouraging results in preliminary studies. The grant will cover costs at the hospital and at Uppsala University.
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